15. Parameter Optimization Solution

def twiddle(tol=0.2): 
    p = [0, 0, 0]
    dp = [1, 1, 1]
    robot = make_robot()
    x_trajectory, y_trajectory, best_err = run(robot, p)

    it = 0
    while sum(dp) > tol:
        print("Iteration {}, best error = {}".format(it, best_err))
        for i in range(len(p)):
            p[i] += dp[i]
            robot = make_robot()
            x_trajectory, y_trajectory, err = run(robot, p)

            if err < best_err:
                best_err = err
                dp[i] *= 1.1
                p[i] -= 2 * dp[i]
                robot = make_robot()
                x_trajectory, y_trajectory, err = run(robot, p)

                if err < best_err:
                    best_err = err
                    dp[i] *= 1.1
                    p[i] += dp[i]
                    dp[i] *= 0.9
        it += 1
    return p

This follows Sebastian's pseudocode very closely. Before each run we make a new Robot with make_robot , ensuring on each run the robot starts from the same position. You may find it fruitful to change the magic numbers altering p and dp .

Now the PID controller outshines PD controller! Also, with twiddle the PID controller converges faster but we overshoot drastically at first so it's a tradeoff. Try tuning twiddle and see if you can reduce the overshoot.

Parameter Optimization Solution - Artificial Intelligence for Robotics